Thursday, March 25, 2010

Film Lesson:"Night And Fog"

Some of my reactions to this movie was disgusting,cruel,and not human like.I thought it was disgusting because they just burn them and put them in gas chambers and let them rot to death.I also thought it was cruel cause they would kill little children just cause they could work and didn't help them out.It was not human like because you just don't kill that many people for no reason and then have the nerve to burn them.

I found it pretty powerful cause it's just crazy how humans can do that and get away with it like if they were on this earth to just kill Jews.Some scenes were better form this movie and some were better from the other one such as in this movie they showed peoples head chopped off and all the hair they would collecting form the people they would kill to make there clothing and the  gas chambers.But in Schindler's List it shows like the liquidation of the ghettos the labor camps and like people getting burned and all the ashes that look like snow,the people all cramped in the carts.These are also the reasons why both of the films were effective in there own ways.

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