Thursday, April 29, 2010

Nelson Mandela And Apartheid

Nelson Mandela was a hero to many people for many reasons.He was admired by many people because he was always fighting for freedom of his nation even if it took him to go to jail he would always try and get freedom for them.People also think of him as a hero because even in jail he tryed to make a point and he did which is why they let him out and let him elect as president and he did and got his country freedom.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"African Independence"

Lots of things had changed from 1955 to 1975 and there were lots of leaders that helped this happen.Such as all of Africa was  controled by the British and then in 1975 mostly 90 percent went independent accept maybe like 3 of them were still controlled by the British.The reason why the British wanted to control Africa so much was because they had alot of natural resources.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Film Lesson:"Right Stuff"

The US and the USSR were both competing for a historic thing.First the US had broke the sound barrier in the sky which was called M.O.C.K and then the USSR had destroyed our record which was M.O.C.K 2 .The USSR had also put the first satellite into space.The USSR had beat the US in that which had made the US furious and now the US wanted to make sure that they were the first to go into space and they would do anything to make sure they were.So what they did was they found 7 brave men to do the task for them.When the USSR put the first satellite up into space and  it only took them one try and they were successful but on the other hand it took the US a numerous amount of times for them to get the space ship up in the sky and if it did go up it would eventually blow up or go on fire.So since that had happened they had made the 7 men stay back when the rocket test had finally worked for once but they were worried that it would blow the 7 men up so instead they had put monkeys there and once they got high enough they shot them down with a parachute and it had worked fine.But since the USSR had found out they had decided to put a man up on to space and they did and that made the US even more furious because what ever the US did the USSR did it even better.The USSR had won the competition because they just out did the US in everything they had tried to do.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Nato And The Warsaw Pact

NATO and the Warsaw Pact were both organizations was both involoved and wanted a mutual defense alliance.Such as NATO had standed f0r North Atlantic Treaty Organization and they had some courtries in Europe and North America.The Warsaw Pact consisted mostly of the Soviet Union and were for the response to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

They were both formed so that if one of the countries were attacked all the people in NATO would help them.The Warsaw Pact had tryed to do the same also.The Soviet Union had tryed this also so they could strenghten there army.