Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mustafa Kemal(Ataturk) and the Modernization of Turkey

One way that he thought he could modernize Turkey was to make them dress like the United States or the Europeans. Therefore he commanded that they were boots or shoes on there feet , trousers on there legs,shirt and tie,jacket and waistcoat,and a hat. He had made the government workers to wear Western-style bussiness suits and he had banned the fez.

Some changes he did was he seperated the laws of Islam from the laws of the nation. He also gave the women alittle more freedom by letting them vote and also to hold public office.

Secular- This is when you are not concerned with religious, spiritual, or sacred things.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Film Lesson - "Gandhi"

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a political leader that lead India through there Indian Independence.He was different from other leaders cause he was not violent instead he used his words of wisdom.The reason why he thought of not using violence was because he thought that if he would not hit someone and if the eniemes did that they would look bad because that hit them for talking and speaking there minds.He made his non-violence work good because as he was still doing that the British just looked really bad on there part and it was even more bad when the press from the United States had came.Another way he help out India was by making his own clothing because he didnt want the government to get any of his money,so as that was happening everyone else in India starting making there own clothing also which had made the british very mad cause they had started to lose there money.To end it off was the salt march which was when Ghandi marched out to the sea and had made there own salt ,and sell the salt instead of buying it from the British.

I think the Indian Indepence was mostly infulenced by Ghandi because he was the person who everyone envy and followed because everyone trusted him and knew he was right to not be violent.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010